GPGRC has many members who share our beloved breed with the community. They visit Nursing Homes, Schools, Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops along with Meet the Breed events throughout the area. Members are encouraged to participate in the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program and eventually to become Canine Ambassadors. We have members and Goldens who are certified by Therapy Dogs International and or have become Delta Society certified dogs. Although GPGRC has no formal Therapy Program, we recognize the worth of our members community service activities at our annual banquet. Many of our activities have been reported in local newspapers. If this is an interest of yours, you can always find a GPGRC member to help point you in the right direction.
Goldens were bred to retrieve game in the field, but therapy is also the work of Goldens.
Seeing a Golden in a School with children or in a Nursing Home with Seniors is also a Golden at work.
A Golden with boundless heart whose instincts lead them to share it is a remarkable sight.

Annually we hold a Valentine Party at the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The Sisters provide us with a place for our monthly club meetings. Approximately twenty five members and their Goldens participate each year. For many this event is the highlight of GPGRC annual activities.
In addition to the party, the club members visit the Sisters monthly with our Goldens.