General Information
The Greater Pittsburgh Golden Retriever Club is a breed specific club which brings people together with a common interest in raising, training, breeding and competing with Golden Retrievers.
We are a place to socialize, learn, and exchange information with other Golden lovers. We have, on occasion, been known to brag about our Golden accomplishments.
Membership in the Golden Retriever Club of America is also encouraged. Information may be obtained from their web site .
Regular Membership
An individual membership is open to persons 18 years of age and older. Regular members have all the priviledges of the club including voting and holding office. If you plan to reguarly attend general meetings and participate in other club activities, this would be your logical choice. Regular members are also eligible for accomplishment awards. Award guidelines are found here.
Junior Membership
Open to persons 10 – 17 years of age. Junior members cannot vote or hold office. They may convert to a regular or associate membership upon reaching their 18th birthday.
Associate Membership
Open to persons 18 years of age and older. Associate members are entitled to all club privileges except voting, holding office and eligibility for club awards. If you plan to only occasionally attend general meetings, this is the best option for you.
GPGRC always welcomes help from its members to maintain the quality and scope of numerous activities. No previous experience is necessary. Assisting with an event is a good way to become familiar with the activities that involve our Goldens. We encourage membership involvement and support.
For more information, please contact our membership volunteer Grace West.